2024 Event Sponsorship
Sponsorship Benefits (all levels)
Up to two (2) complimentary summit registrations (option to donate registrations as scholarship opportunities)
Company name on event website and in event communications
Company promotional slide (PowerPoint format) displayed during event
Vendor table and promotional item included in conference swag bag
Plenary (fulfilled) | $2,000
Plenary session presented as “sponsored by… [company name]”
Opportunity for representative to make brief remarks during the plenary introduction
Company logo and link to website on the Foundations of Fatherhood Summit homepage
Lunch (1 sponsor) | $2,000
Lunch presented as “sponsored by… [company name]”
Opportunity for representative to make brief remarks before breaking for lunch
Company logo and link to website on the Foundations of Fatherhood Summit homepage
Breakfast (1 sponsor) | $1,000
Breakfast presented as “sponsored by… [company name]”
Opportunity for representative to make brief remarks during breakfast mingling
Company logo and link to website on the Foundations of Fatherhood Summit homepage
Virtual Platform (1 sponsor) | $1,000
Virtual attendance information sent to attendees including “sponsored by… [company name]”
Opportunity for representative to make brief remarks during the plenary introduction
Company logo and link to website on the Foundations of Fatherhood Summit homepage
Scholarship (multiple) | $500
Scholarships communicated on event website and to recipient attendees as “sponsored by… [company name]”
Snack (1 sponsor) | $500
Afternoon snack presented as “sponsored by… [company name]”
***High-resolution sponsor logos and promo slides must be emailed to no later than April 15 so we may include them in Summit materials.***
Please make checks out to our fiduciary "U of M Health-West Foundation" and mail to:
Healthy Kent, Kent County Health Department
Attn: Barb Hawkins-Palmer
700 Fuller Ave NE
Grand Rapids, MI 49503
Anyone may also donate or sponsor online through EventBrite. Click on the "Tickets" button, then scroll down to the donation/sponsorship option.
Questions? Email
We can also accept sponsorship payments by credit card if you complete the Sponsorship Commitment Form in our Sponsorship Packet.
Thank you to our generous 2024 sponsors: