Stay tuned for information about our 2025 Summit!
Please note that our minimal registration cost allows us to pay our speakers and our panelists who share their lived experiences for their time and contributions.
We are able to offer a limited number of scholarship spots that are first come, first served. Email us at to ask about scholarships.
Scholarship applicant stories:
I am currently the Program Manager for MDHHS in Marquette, Alger, and Schoolcraft counties in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. I am also a father of 3 girls. I believe that a father’s participation is very important in child-rearing and would love to participate in this summit. - Steven H.
I am a 68-year-old father of five, ranging in age from 3 to 49 years old. I am a retired State of Michigan employee 11 years into retirement. I worked corrections, child support and the welfare office. All departments that separate families, I have volunteered with manhood and fatherhood organizations while retired. Seeking information and resources for father’s and families to assist with both parents sharing with the responsibility for their children. - Gregory P.
I am a Family Coordinator for the Early Head Start program at the Cleveland County Partnership for Children. I feel that [attending the Wide World of Fathering event] would benefit myself as well as the fathers that I serve. I am always looking for information and resources to help my fathers to be successful. - Billie M.
I am a single dad of an eight year old girl, living near Traverse City. It would mean a lot to me to attend this conference. Fathering is the most important job that I will ever do, and I am dedicated to gathering more tools and learning how to show up more fully. - Seth B.